Wednesday 26 November 2008

Sleep loss, increased appetite and obesity

I've been indulging in compulsive and uncontrolled eating for 3 hours now. Ice cream, chocolate pralines, candy, fudge and more ice cream. This frightens me as I've been experiencing amelioration's recently in this area and all actions reinforces that particular behavior....

I also had 3 days of binging last week. After trying to analyse what could be behind this behavior I found the answer being lack of sleep. After googling this issue I found that several researchers have since 2004 tried to prove the connection between sleep deprivation and increased appetite. The first article in this kind was publicated at the University of Chicago showing that sleeping too few hours will have an effect on your hormones. This will cause an increase in appetite and a preference for calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate foods. And in my case, having an appetite for such food is forbidden, and if I eat something that's calorie dense and still feel hungry afterword I will most likely choose to have a binge. I'm using the word "choose" as I should feel responsible for my actions, but whenever this happens, I really don't feel like it's a choice.

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