Sunday 14 September 2008

Why your disordered eating behaviour served you

The message of this book written by Anita Johnston is that food isn’t the issue. This isn’t a new standpoint in literature around eating disorders. However Anita tells us to thanks our eating disorder instead of fighting it. The disordered eating behaviour served you when your goal was survival. The below is an outdraw about a girl with a eating disoirder:

“Her perspective must shift so that she can see that this obsession not as some horrible character defect but rather as a simple and much needed protective mechanism she picked up along her journey through life. It is something she has learned to use to help her deal with the emotional distress of being different or feeling misunderstood, unaccepted or overwhelmed.”

Food is a tool to distract us from the real issue and fears. The idea is therefore to identify what emotional hunger and emptiness we’re trying to fill with food.

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